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Submission DE JONG-0827 (Online)

Submission By Adrian de Jong
AddressNanaimo, BC,
CategoryElectoral system change
A PR-List electoral system requiring all parties to run candidates in all 79 ridings.  Once a party vote has been made, a voter much choose one candidate from each of the party lists.  These choices determine the party list rankings. [2 pages]

Submission Content
Each MLA elected is responsible for the whole provnice not just the riding.

Their concerns should reflect all the citizens of B.C.

Voting rules

  1. Any party to qualify for election must have a candidate in every riding, residing in that riding for a minimum of one year. No parachutes. There can be an independent running in each riding. required by rule one. Each can express their own platform since they are independents.
  2. First each voter makes a choice of party
  3. Then each voter gets to choose one candidate from the list of all the parties contesting the election. Each party's candidates (79 names randomly listed) are listed on a separate piece of paper
  4. If, for example, there are six parties running lists of candidates -- it means each voter gets to vote six times, one choice from each of the six separate party lists (this is in addition to the choice of party).
  5. Each party list is validated for one mark on that list by electronic means.  No spoiled ballots are permitted.  Spoiling a ballot a second time is criminal contempt towards other voters and the voting system. You are not forced to vote.
Who gets in?

  1. Tally the number of party votes for each party.
  2. This indicates what share of seats each party will get in the assembly.
  3. From the party lists of candidates, tally the number of votes for each candidate.
  4. List the candidates for each party, most voted for at the top and the least at the bottom. This is done for each party.
  5. Depending on seat share allocated to each party, starting at the top of candidate's list for each party, fill the number of seats each party is permitted in the assembly.
Who gets in if a member of the assembly resigns?

EG Liberals 45% NDP 25% Greens 20% Conservatives 9% Independent 1%

If one or more Liberal resigns, the next one or more NDPs on their list gets in.
If one or more NDP resigns the next one or more Greens on their list gets in.
If one or more Green resigns, the next one or more Conservatives on their list gets in.
If one or more Conservatives resigns, the next one or more Independents on their list gets in.
If one or more Independents resign, the next one or more Liberals on their list get in.

The above assures each member will be watching each member for discreditable activities and no party can ask members of their party to resign to stack the assembly with their party hacks from their list.

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